How to create an extraordinary lifestyle?
20 international speakers from all over the world show you how to live life on your terms, live anywhere and build wealth in the process.
These are the world’s leading authorities and inspirational entrepreneurs who can help you design the life you desire and make it a reality.
Speakers Featured in:
1. Gain Clarity and Direction
2. Inspiration
3. Create Alignment
4. Financial Abundance
5. Sustainable Business Success
How the online summit works:
The online summit has been created so you can attend anywhere in the world, all you need is an internet connection and an email.
WHEN: Dates: 1st-5th May 2020
WHO: 30+ Experts Gain the best knowledge from more than 30 experts from all over the world to start to live your extra-ordinary lifestyle (digital nomads, influencers, authors, speakers and business owners)
HOW LONG: 24 Hours Available Each day, interviews will be released which you can watch for 24 hours.
What you can take away
In this Virtual Summit, you will learn from entrepreneurs all over the world living an amazing lifestyle, and you will learn the following:
- How to find direction for your life
- How to overcome difficulties and extreme challenge
- How to start a lifestyle business
- How to utilise the power of the subconscious to create the lifestyle you desire
- How to deal with negative thoughts and emotions
- How to grow a business from scratch to millions
- The keys to creating a sustainable financial future
1. Gain clarity and direction
Having a direction is of fundamental importance to build an extra-ordinary lifestyle, you will learn methods from our speakers to immediately find clarity on your direction, understand when you are moving off course and how to make the right steps in the direction of the life you desire.
2. Inspiration
You will hear from speakers from all walks of life. How they have overcome extreme adversities and challenges to ultimately become leaders in their fields. Become inspired by their stories about what is possible and how you can overcome any challenges you are currently facing.
3. Create alignment
Many people know what to do but procrastinate on execution. These game changing speakers share how they create alignment within themselves, remove negative thoughts and behaviours and ultimately execute with clarity on the business tasks necessary for success.
4. Financial Abundance
Discover proven ways to support yourself whilst starting from scratch to build your ideal lifestyle. Learn the systems that entrepreneurs have in place to constantly stay on top of their finances whilst supporting the lifestyle they desire.
5. Sustainable business success
Learn the most useful online tips and strategies that entrepreneurs are using around the world to maintain sustainable businesses. Save yourself years of trial and error by learning how to utilise all the best resources to constantly grow in the 21st century.
These are the speakers from Own your Extraordinary Life.
1. Finding purpose and direction for your life
Many people feel lost in the world we live in. It is easy to be consumed with social media, be stuck in a boring job and ultimately waste your time. In this section of the summit we look into finding your purpose, direction and mission of your life. For those lacking clarity about what you want, this is going to be of great value to you.
Allan Kleynhans: The Awakened Soul
Discover how to align with your authentic self and create a life you love and live powerfully. This presentation shows you exactly how, and more importantly, why you self-sabotage your own success. You will also learn some key distinctions that will support you in creating even more success and fulfillment in every area of your life, including your relationship with life itself.
Seema Sodha: The Purpose Process: Discovering Your Purpose with Ease and Flow
Canada – The Netherlands
What if finding your purpose was as easy as breathing? Or as fun as binge-watching your favourite Netflix series? So many of us get stuck in the purpose process because we’re looking for it in the wrong corners and we’re taking it too seriously. Add to that a pinch of comparison-itis and we’ve lost the game before we’ve even started. But it doesn’t have to be this way! In this session, we’ll explore how to hook into your purpose from the inside-out, where to find the clues and 3 easy questions you can ask yourself to get clear and on your path with ease, flow and fun.
Turk Akbay: Find your purpose and direction within.
Turkey – US
Nothing happens unless you’re aligned with your inner being. No matter your goal, whether it’s making money, losing weight, attracting a partner or making that big sale, if you want to reach your goal, you have to make changes from the inside out.
It’s not about checking off your task list and figuring out what you need to DO next, it’s about embracing (and practicing) who you need to BE to reach your goal.
In this conversation, be ready to take your game to the next level by utilizing your subconscious mind in connection with the law of attraction. You will learn to use your total-self to permanently shift your inner being and quickly manifest your goal into reality.
Raf Adams: Living an Exceptional Life – Seven Secrets and Strategies from The Suited Monk
Belgium – Spain
Many of us have a vision of what an exceptional life looks, feels and sounds like. At the same time, not all of us have created this reality and we perpetually live in a gap between what we imagine is possible for ourselves, and what we actually experience day to day. This can cause great dissatisfaction and pain. Through his models, Raf Adams will help you understand exactly how this gap in life occurs, and examine the consequences and impact on our happiness. Raf will share stories about three people he has worked with and reveal what they did to close their own gaps. He’ll identify seven practices to help you close your own Gap and live a more fulfilling life.
Nick Breau – The Purpose Paradox: Exploring the human quest for purpose, and why most people never find it.
How does the conscious mind truly perceive purpose? How do we interpret direction or our mission in life? Does it even matter? In this segment, we’ll explore the human need to find purpose and meaning in life and how by seeking it out, we may actually be holding ourselves back.
Wigard Tegel: Seven steps to pure empowerment
The Netherlands
Learn how to connect with the freedom and clarity of your pure consciousness. Switch to a full perspective. Step into new experience that makes you feel good, knowing what you want and how to manifest it. Discover how through the power of your asking you can reunite with your infinite nature and create the life you really want.
2. The entrepreneurial journey and designing a new path.
Have you ever thought about becoming an entrepreneur and deciding to be the decision maker in your life? In this section we will hear about how people have turned their lives around, overcame the most challenging of circumstances and managed to have the resilience to create an unbelievable life for themselves. For those wondering how to make things happen, this is an amazing start.
Ben Ivey: The challenges and secrets of building a lifestyle business
Ben will speak about how he built a business from scratch whilst living in-
between 3 countries. How he managed different social media channels
internationally as well in China, and how you too can start to create your own
business online. Learn from the biggest mistakes Ben made along the way, what
actually works for long term success and the most common challenges when you
start to create your business from the ground up.
Mario Tomic: The Truth About Being an Entrepreneur
Mario Tomic shares his story about what it really takes to become an entrepreneur. You will learn the raw truth no one talks about with about all the ups and downs he had to overcome along the way.
海鲜饼干 Sophie: How to build a following online and becoming a KOL (Key Opinion Leader) in China?
In this talk Sophie is going to share the secrets she has used to become a KOL in just a few years. Sophie is a fitness expert teaching women all over China how to create better bodies that they are proud of. She used simple yet great techniques to build up her following and now gains another income from promoting other people’s products to her audience. If you want to grow your following and become a key influencer then make sure to watch this interview.
Dan Gregory : How to navigate the entrepreneurial wilderness
Making the decision to start a business is simple, but getting started successfully can be a challenge. In
this talk, Dan J. Gregory will help demystify and simplify the process of starting a business by sharing
his 7 step roadmap for getting started so that you can quickly make the transition into business and start
living the life of your dreams.
Robert White: Succeeding in Business is Simple … Just Not Easy!
US – China
There is a methodology for creating an extraordinary success. In this talk you’ll learn how to become clear on your purpose, vision, values and strategic intent which is necessary to achieve extraordinary success. You’ll also discover some specific attitudes, habits and behaviors that lead to extraordinary success, even if you are the average busy and ambitious person.
Kul Muhay – Why Strong Leadership Skills Are Critical To Successful Business Ownership
All too often we are told that business is about competing, strategies, plans and ‘following the money’. Whilst all of these are true, the missing ingredient that many of the experts have talked about is the ability to demonstrate strong leadership skills. When I left the UK police service after a 32 year career, I struggled to understand how to develop an effective business, despite all of the books I had read or conferences I had attended. Discover how I learned to use my 26 years’ of leadership experience as a police officer to build my business. How I went on to develop a personal development event, which has become one of the fastest-growing in the UK, increasing its attendance size by at least 50% each year and how it has become the cornerstone of my business pipeline.
Jiaye Wu
The challenges of building a modeling career and becoming a key influencer in China. Jiaye Wu shares how she has dealt with the negativity from peers as she built up her career in the fashion world. What were the key drivers that kept her head up despite her challenges and what drew her to gain 500,000 followers on her social media accounts.
3. Alignment, flow and utilising your mind
Utilising your full potential and letting go negative patterns from your life is of fundamental importance to create your extra-ordinary lifestyle. Everyone has experienced fear, yet how do we create confidence consistently despite the challenges we encounter? This section will help you create a rock solid belief of what you can accomplish, inspire you with new habits, routines and rituals as well as explore the human psyche to help you succeed in life.
Alicia Carrasco: Happy is the way to success
Spain – The Netherlands
Sometimes we think that we want flow in order to enjoy more the success that we have created, but also flow and happiness are the keys to create your successful extraordinary life. And that state is something that can be trained through simple and pleasurable routines that will put you in the optimum state: more creative, more communicative, more intuitive, and even more attractive. In this training you will learn how to “happy” your way to success.
Lana Shlafer: Turn Pain Into Gain: the key principles to using adversity as fuel for success
Russia – USA
What if your most painful experiences contained gifts that were necessary for your most epic victories? Learn how to approach trauma, struggle and contrast as a portal into deeper self-understanding, self-empowerment, self-love and success!
Karen Lorre: Go beyond Mindfulness and add the other two fullnesses you need!
In this talk you’ll learn about the 3 best things you can do to make alignment easy, in order to feel better every day and be at your fullest potential. You’ll also discover a few of the things you probably do that keep you from creating the extraordinary life that you desire.
Gina Mallison:Allowing your Dream Life to Unfold with Ease
While most people you know are attempting to “action and effort” their way into creating the life of their dreams, you’re one of the rare few who know there’s a secret to living an outrageously abundant life full of love, joy, ease, and delicious expansion – and that secret is found inside the mastery of the Law of Attraction. Join Gina as she shares some of her favorite techniques for raising your vibration, getting into the vortex and connecting with your inner being. Enjoy a fun discussion and exploration into what it’s like to live life while being connected to, and guided by your inner being, towards the serendipitous discoveries of all your vortexy goodies!
Cherilyn Jones: Legacy Living
What is Legacy Living? Living as though life were a gift every moment. Living a Legacy Life, means accepting the gifts that life has for you, and extracting the richness of each moment. In this talk you will earn to connect to your innate Joy, Freedom, Love, and natural self expression. You’ll learn small distinctions and techniques to connect you to your internal guidance system and Intuition. You’ll discover how to release fear, worry, doubt, and replace it with presence, faith, trust and enthusiasm. You’re here to live freely and fully, and I’m honored to show you my philosophy how.
Henrik Nordenstedt: The personal development mistakes every person needs to AVOID!!!
Discover what’s the #1 mistake extraordinary people make in the area of personal development, what to do instead and how to fix it if you have already made it. You’ll learn the tools to get results faster, easier and more efficiently.
Otto Duijs: How to use your brain to get happier and create a beautiful life.
The Netherlands
Sometimes you don’t feel great in your day to day life and you cope with it. Another times you can even have moments of anxiety and think it’s “normal”. And “that can’t be it”, that’s not the way we are supposed to live, there must be more in life. In this talk you will learn how you can use your brain to become happier and create a extraordinary life.
Michelle Waldo: Allowing Communication With Your Inner Being
Vanessa Valdiriz:Overcoming fear, the #1 obstacle between you and success.
Venezuela – Colombia
Fear can turn into the biggest obstacle to manifesting the life of your dreams. In this talk you will discover the ways in which fear can sneak into you life and block you from achieving your goals, how to identify hidden fear, and most importantly, how to handle it so that you can move forward, be successful and live to your fullest potential.
Allie O’Shea: Things are always working out for you.
Discover how you can overcome depression, anxiety and the stress that your day to day life tends to create. Realize how the perspective you are choosing at any given moment is creating that life, not life itself. Learn the tools and perspectives from Law of Attraction, Positivity, Self Love and Self Development that will help you to finally feel good, as good as you know you can feel.
4. How to make and keep your money in the XXI century
How do you turn a hobby into a business? How can you turn an idea into a product? How can you earn money whilst living on the beach? In this section we will explore all the avenues of making money in the XXI century and creating a rock solid foundation from which you can fall back on, no matter what issues arise in your life.
Adrian Cahil: It’s easy to start investing, let me show you how.
We need to stop reading and take action. Adrian will be exploring how to get started in investing in less than 12 hours. He will also be exploring the 2 types of rich, find out which one you are and which one you want to be!
In 1998, Jeff Bezos invested $250,000 of his personal savings into an obscure search engine company – Google. Today, his stake is worth over $6 billion. In other words, even if Amazon had been a total failure, he would still be a multi-billionaire. That’s the power of thinking not only as an entrepreneur but also as an investor – no matter the business you’re in. This talk will show you what it takes to lead the Entrepreneur-Investor Lifestyle, and how you can go from risking everything on one business to diversifying your bets and 10Xing your chances of financial success.
There are 5 major differences between poor thinking and wealthy thinking, and they may not be what you expect. In this practical talk based on proven wealth creation principles, you will learn what decisions, habits and financial strategies create real and sustainable wealth. You’ll feel inspired to begin taking action towards creating the money and freedom you deserve – right now.
Wiet Vande Velde: The best way to get started as an investor.
Being both an investor and an entrepreneur is a skill that anyone can learn. In this talk, you’ll learn how to start living the Entrepreneur-Investor lifestyle – and invest in opportunities around the world with asymmetric risk to massively boost your chances of financial success. You’ll learn what needs to happen in your life for it to be a success, and the most important financial decisions you can make to achieve it.
Financial freedom cannot be acquired with debt
You cannot create wealth for your family, let alone yourself, if you are in debt. You can produce six-figures annually and that would be useless if your operating expenses are significantly higher than your income. The formula to create wealth and obtain Financial Freedom is simple; the discipline, consistency and patience required to do so, is not. Generate income, become debt free, invest a consistent portion of that income and live within your needs.
5. Creating growth and business success
How do you move from working in the business to becoming a business owner? These speakers have all achieved this multiple times. In this section we explore creating a team, how to automate systems and ultimately creating a business where you are no longer needed.
SARAH ZHANG 张晓文: How to build your brand in China
Sarah will be sharing how she built her brand from nothing to a following of over 1.6 million in China. She will give the best tips, strategies and insights that allow brands to scale in a sustainable way. Sarah will also share how she manages multiple businesses, brands and shows whilst living a balanced lifestyle.
Dr. Erin Fall Haskell: Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind for High-Performance Success
Shift your limiting beliefs and unleash your millionaire mindset and skill set.
Master leadership by getting clarity on your core values and principles.
Impact the world and leave your legacy by living with purpose.
How to Be Purposeful, Profitable and Empowered As A Highly Sensitive Coach, Healing Practitioner or Creative Entrepreneur
Heather Dominick-Kosmicki: How to Be Purposeful, Profitable and Empowered As A Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur®.
A Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur® is a person with highly sensitive abilities who has chosen to use your sensitive traits within the world of self-employment. Most likely as a highly sensitive person you’ve been given the message over time that your special qualities are not assets but hindrances. But in truth you’re coded to be extremely successful as a coach, healing practitioner or creative entrepreneur. You are what Dr. Elaine Aron, one of the primary researchers of the high sensitivity personality trait and author of the book Highly Sensitive Persons, refers to as a “royal advisor”. The key is learning how to use your highly sensitive abilities to support you in being purposeful, profitable and empowered as an entrepreneur rather than scattered, poor and undervalued. In order to do this you must approach marketing and selling in a “new way”.
Steve Becker: 7 Success Strategies for the Conscientious Business Leader®.
What is it that the most successful business leaders have in common? In this talk, Steve Becker covers seven strategies of success practiced by the most powerful business pioneers. This includes developing certainty in decision making to create a powerful business mindset. Whether you are new to business or seasoned, these principles will bring significant growth to you and your business.
Aurelien Rigart: How to become a successful business owner in a sustainable way?
Aurelien will discuss his challenges through his entrepreneurial journey in France and in China. He will share about how to successfully manage successful ventures whilst maintaining balance in life and he will offer the best advice as a mentor to other young entrepreneurs.
You will learn proven methods that has helped thousands of people achieve more success
You will learn from experts who are already living an amazing lifestyle and are willing to share their expertise with you.
You will have access to content from people all over the world to help you develop a global understanding of how to create your own extraordinary life
You will be able to expand your mindset, unlock new possibilities and explore your full potential
You will gain clarity and new inspiration to achieve even more goals this year
You will receive inspiration from the best speakers around the world who are living an amazing lifestyle that you can too
What makes this summit unique?
More than 30 interviews completely free of charge for 24 hours each day
Watch without leaving the comfort of your own home
You will receive all the content in video format directly to your email so you don’t even have to look for it
20+ hours of content
Enjoy perspectives from people from all over the world
Directly in your home and for FREE
If any one or more of these apply to you then you will benefit greatly from attending this online summit.
Are you . . .
- Unhappy with your current work
- Stressed about your financial future
- Lacking purpose and meaning in life
- Worried that you can’t create the life you desire
- Unsure where to start to make your dream a reality
- Start lots of projects but can never seem to follow through
- Frustrated with your life and want things to change now
FAQ Frequently asked questions
What is the Own Your Extraordinary Life Summit?
It is a virtual event from which you can gain the best knowledge from over 30 experts from all over the world to start to live your extra-ordinary lifestyle. Each day you will receive interviews to watch, where the speakers will share their best advice to help you on your journey.
Who are the experts involved?
Both Alicia and Ben have chosen these experts due to the incredible lifestyle they have created for themselves. They are a mixture of digital nomads, influencers, authors, speakers and business owners.
Why we created this conference?
There are many people around the world struggling to create an extra-ordinary life. They want to live a different life but lack the belief, skills and tools to make it happen. We wanted to create a conference to allow you to hear from people all over the world to not only inspire you to know that it is possible but also give you the skills you need to go and make it happen for yourself.
Is this conference for you?
If any of these apply to you then you will benefit greatly from attending this online summit:
- Unhappy with your current work
- Stressed about your financial future
- Lacking purpose and meaning in life
- Worried that you can’t create the life you desire
- Unsure where to start to make your dream a reality
- Start lots of projects but can never seem to follow through
- Frustrated with your life and want things to change now
What happens if you miss a presentation?
You have 24 hours to see the interviews. If there is one that you miss out on, then you are happy to enjoy them later on by buying our premium package for lifetime access to all speakers and the bundle of bonuses.
Do I have to travel to attend the conference?
Nope! All you need is Internet access and a comfortable place to watch the conferences.
Is the conference free?
Yes it is completely free and you can watch as many presentations as you wish for the week of the event.
I work full time, what kind of commitment is this?
The entire conference is 5 days. Each day you will have access to between 4 – 8 interviews from our experts. These will be available for 24 hours. Even if you work full time you can easily fit these into your schedule.
If you register before the 2nd of December the conference is free, then the price rises so make sure to book your space now.
What is the difference between free and premium?
The Free access allows you to watch 4-8 interviews per day for a period of 24 hours. After the 24 hours is up you can no longer watch these interviews. The conference lasts 5 days so each day you will be able to watch a new set of 4-8 interviews.
The premium version allows you to have lifetime access to the interviews from the 2nd of December so you can watch them at your leisure without the pressure of watching them in a 24-hour period. You will also receive the bundle of bonuses, which are exclusive bonuses from our speakers to help you on your journey.
I want to be a speaker
To become a speaker please email: hello@ownyourextraordinarylife.com with your speaker bio and the topic you want to deliver.
I am interested in being a partner
To become a partner please email hello@ownyourextraordinarylife.com with your proposal.
Are replays available?
Yes. Simply buy the premium package and you will have lifetime access to all interviews and bonuses
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Ben Ivey is The Fulfilment Artist. He lives a nomadic lifestyle coaching online and runs workshops around the world, he recently delivering his TEDx in Mandarin Chinese in Shanghai. He is the founder of 耀蓝明 bringing influencers into the Chinese market and the creator of the Fulfilment Artist Training Program helping people gain the coaching and speaking skills needed to create their own lifestyle business. His mission is to empower people in both the East and West to live an extra-ordinary lifestyle in the quickest and most sustainable way possible.!
Alicia Carrasco is a Happiness and Wellness promotor. She works with companies, and private clients to help them discover the true potential of happiness in our way to success. She is a life and business coach and trainer. She self-published an Amazon best selling book, Be Happy Now! that will be republished by Penguin Random House. She is the founder of Vidaes, the first wellbeing and happiness center in Madrid where thousands of people train their “happiness muscle”. She created the School of Wellbeing in the University Hospital Ramón y Cajal. She has been featured in Spanish national TV Cuatro, in the magazine “Dicen” and in “Capital Radio”, among others.